How do you most efficiently deliver procurement processes and tasks, working from Poland for business spread across Europe or World? Welcome to join the discussion: Procurement Hubs in Poland.

PSML in liaison with ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders) invite to a meeting on April 6th in Warsaw from 3pm till 6pm.  If you’re interested please contact us at: [email protected]  You will be provided with the meeting & logistics details on return*.


  • SSC industry in Poland – development and perspectives
  • Review example Procurement SSCs & Hubs roles and responsibilities
  • Discussion
    • What operating and competence challenges we face
    • How we mitigate those challenges
    • What else we can do for more efficient processes
  • Discussion
    • How decisions are being made on processes/competence transfers
    • Encouraging companies to move more sophisticated tasks to Poland


Join us to share and exchange.

We’ll be serving probably the best donuts in Warsaw. Donuts shop “Zagoździński” makes donuts from 1925 roku.

With Kind Regards

Mariusz Gerałtowski – PSML                                                             Paweł Panczyj – ABSL



*Due to limited space capacity we can not guarantee all interested can participate.