Jak sprostać wyzwaniom w świecie VUCA w globalnych organizacjach zakupowych?
Czy ekspansja, reorganizacja, wprowadzanie nowego modelu operacyjnego w czasie światowej pandemii może zakończyć się sukcesem?
Jak zarządzać ludźmi pracującymi na 3 kontynentach i koordynować zadania, gdy jedni wstają, a inni właśnie kładą się spać?
To tylko kilka pytań, na które odpowie nam Monika Kiełtyka Michna, Head of Global Procurement Services, AstraZeneca, podczas rozmowy na temat:
„Światowa ekspansja Global Procurement Services w AstraZeneca w dobie pandemii”
Zapraszamy na Spotkanie Zakupowe PSML – 8 lutego 2022r. o godz. 10:00
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Spotkanie zakupowe PSML z Monika Kiełtyka-Michna
Monika is an experienced leader in business area transformation, professional negotiator with significant experience in management of multi-million spend of the companies. She is a goal–oriented person focused on achieving companies’ strategic targets by embracing change programs.
At Astra Zeneca Monika is leading Global Procurement organization providing support in the areas of sourcing and contracting as well as a significant part of Category Management, which she built across 3 continents.
She joined Astra Zeneca from Kenya Airways, where she supported the turnaround of the airline and led strategic projects. Prior to that she was responsible for consolidation of the back office and embedding of the procurement shared services at LOT Polish Airlines, where she held a position of a Chief Corporate Officer.
Before joining an airline, she spent many years in the pharmaceutical industry. She created Novartis’ very first world-wide shared service center in the capacity of a Head of Shared Country Procurement Organization and Administration. Prior to that, she held a range of procurement leadership positions at Polpharma. Monika spent her early career at Carlsberg and Phillip Morris.
She graduated from University of Mining and Metallurgy in Cracow and an MBA at the University of Minnesota and Warsaw School of Economics.